Silo Halo - DC Rock Live Album Review

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Silo Halo - Night and the City DC Rock Live Album Review:

"This local band is on the rise and seems to be doing everything right. I have seen them live a couple of times and was quickly impressed by their original twists and turns in the modern psychedelic underbelly of deep and dark indie/shoegaze music. And if anything, this first album is even more impressive as they have succeeded in capturing their live magic in these eight songs. They have been on bills with Screen Vinyl Image, and it is easy to hear that they are blood brothers and sisters in a shared sonic universe. You may hear something akin to Wire, Sonic Youth, School of Seven Bells, Big Black... you get the idea. But while the sound is familiar, the full approach is personal and powerful. This music oozes artiness in the right way by avoiding pretension and staying focused on creative accessibility. There is a history of these sounds are present that is being shaped by three creative people. There is a buzz to this band that is quickly spreading. Latch on quickly or it might go by you.

Songs to try out first:

Out of your Fugue - This has that magical weird psyche folk English vibe going on that I get when I listen to Ferdinando/Howell bands (Agincourt, Ithaca, etc.), yet it is more modern and sharply attuned.

I'm Still Slamming My Head Against a Brick Wall - Despite the great title, this song rocks hard, steady, and fully in control with silky vocals.

Night and the City - I conjure the forlorn look of Gene Tierney as she listens to the hopeless schemes of Richard Widmark in this heavily atmospheric instrumental."  -David Hintz