Blade of Grass - Looks So Good [Digital Single]

Blade of Grass - Looks So Good [Digital Single]
Blade Of Grass
Looks So Good (single) - ETXE017
Looks So Good, out on April 20, 2018, is Blade of Grass’ first release on independent Los Angeles and Washington DC based label Etxe Records.
The song has already been in rotation on influential Los Angeles radio stations KCRW and KXLU in anticipation of its release, and features the band using analog and electronic instruments to create surging waves that roll underneath hallucinatory vocals, building to a catchy dance chorus that is a psychoactive rush of sound.
Blade Of Grass
Looks So Good (single)
Looks so Good, out on April 20, 2018, is Blade of Grass’ first release on independent Los Angeles and Washington DC based label Etxe Records.
The song has already been in rotation on influential Los Angeles radio stations KCRW and KXLU in anticipation of its release, and features the band using analog and electronic instruments to create surging waves that roll underneath hallucinatory vocals, building to a catchy dance chorus that is a psychoactive rush of sound.
Hailing from Los Angeles, CA, Blade of Grass have been creating their psychedelic layers of swirling sound since 2015. Live, the members build off of each in a continuously intensifying loop.